News -


J. Nordlander, "Transform Traditional Trains to Linear Docking and Save Significant Time", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, Online volume: CCC 7, Paper 25.2, 2024, doi:10.4203/ccc.7.25.2


P.J. Nordlander, "Docking trains: A Comparison", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, Online volume: CCC 7, Paper 25.1, 2024, doi:10.4203/ccc.7.25.1

2024-08-31 In Prague two Power Point presentations...

 But "Transform..." should include the film...

2024-02-01 Two papers accepted for publication at 6th international conference on railway technology at Prague; Docking trains: A comparison, and Transform traditional train to linear docking and save significant time.


Trademark for Jo-Jo Tåg 


Jo-Jo Tåg company is now registred at Bolagsverket.


TheJo-Jo Tåg foundation is ended. Lack of means is the sad reason. This webbsite will remain and some further work to spread information on the consept will be done.


"Transport for future, the Jo-Jo consept" is now published

Look under 17.5


Visit at Train & Rail 2023.


Application for support from Almi företagspartner Östergötland for support of foundation and application of patent.


Application for support from TrV to build H0 model and to seek partners for to build and test static switch and railcar.


Johan three hour meeting in Göteborg at Trafikverket with railway strategi specialist Christer Löfving.


Johan one hour talk on " Not highest speed, but first to goal, Jo-Jo Train". Speach at VTI and precens of TrV CapacityCenter also shown on Teams.


Application to Drive Sweden for 500 000 kr in order to build model of Jo-Jo koncept with Digital transit ltd and Sn Desgn & Teknik and for networking for a larger program.Application denied due to not enough within announced area.


The paper " Transport for future, the Jo-Jo consept" is accepted förpublication and oral presentation at Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology at Le Corum, Montpellier, France on tuesday 23/8 at 12:00 to 12:15. Johan is also apponted Chair at the conference for the sessions F02 and F03 on same tuesday.

 Presentation will be done with power point pictures. Here you can see either the one with white or black background


E-mail from Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology that it due to the Corona is postponed until 2022 aug 22 -25 and is moved to Le Corum, Montpellier, France.


E-mail from Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology. Due to the Corona it is postponed until 2022.


Start to make the webb page bilangual Svenska and English


E-mail from Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology. Due to the Corona it is postponed until 30th of August - 2nd of September 2021.


Johan has submitted a "paper" for presentation at the "Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology" Mallorca, Spain, 7-10 September 2020. Transport for future, the Jo-Jo concept.

Read and enjoy


Swish No more


All documents submitted to Länsförsäkringar bank on 2020-01-07. Today meeting at the bank to get an account. No problem. Account and bank transfer today. Swish tomorrow. Finally!!!

 LFB No more


Decides not to apply for 90 account for the time being. Lots of bureaucracy and costs.


Letter from the County Administrative Board in Östergötland with a decision on registration of the Jo-Jo Tåg Collection Foundation. Organization number 802481 - 3407.


The County Administrative Board of Östergötland notifies of a significant delay in the registration of the Jo-Jo Tåg Collection Foundation. Application for registration was submitted 2019-05-08.


The Debt Office, an administrative authority under the Ministry of Finance, is exploring the possibility of issuing government bonds with an ultra-long maturity of 100 years. Switzerland has been paid 0.6% on a 30-year loan. Austria has had to pay 1.2% on a 100-year loan. Sweden has a central government debt of only 21% of GDP, ie SEK 1,100 billion, of which the Riksbank has bought up SEK 400 billion. Wow !!! Here is a survey that fits well to finance the Jo-Jo concept.


Ingvar Johansson has written "Innovation competition for new main lines" in no. 32 of Aktuellt i Politiken.

Read and enjoy.


Now the paper is published in Ny Teknik

Read and enjoy. Comment and keep the pot boiling.Now is important to get ther message spread.


We are working full time with an article to publish in the magazine Ny Teknik and there under their "headline" debate. The title of the article will be Do not buy high speed trains buy rapid transports

We, i.e. Charles Edquist, Professor of Innovation, Johan Nordlander Tech. dr in physics and Ingvar Johansson professor of philosophy, describes how a function procurement could go and presents some of the Jo-Jo concept's functions. We propose that the Ministry of Infrastructure be given the responsibility for developing a functional description for how Sweden in the future will be able to have a railway network where transport can take place much faster than today.


Henrik, Johan & Olle. The fundraising foundation Jo-Jo-tåg, the memorandum of association is signed, the board has a constituent meeting.


Johan presentation for patent office Bergenstråle & partners


Johan presentation for Dellner Couplers. Manufacturer of fully automatic railway couplers (40 % of world market).


Johan & Olle presentation for The railway group at the Royal Institute of Technology.


Charlie & Johan presentation for the state secretary at Näringsdepartementet


Charlie presentation at Harpsund for the National Council of Innovation.


Johan presentation at Trafikverket


Johan presentation at Trafikverket


Johan presentation at Almi Företagspartner Östergötland.


Johan starts to wright thoughts around the Jo-Jo-consept.


Johan makes a first excell sheet with the idea of ​​docking shuttles at full speed. Try on the route Stockholm - Gothenburg. 11 stations and 7 minutes time loss per station compared to if the train runs at its top speed all the time. The high-speed train at 320 kilometers per hour arrives at the same time as the Jo-Jo train, which runs at a top speed of 158 kilometers per hour. The idea is good!